It all started with my desire to be beautiful at a very young age, my desire to be a model, a beauty queen. I worked daily on myself by taking very good care of my hair, skin, nails, face… making good use of all the natural stuff I could get around (Aloe Vera was one plant that I could really access). I began to do a follow up on a lot of beautiful people and looked up to them as role models while working on being one myself.
However, as time went on, I began to realize that I hadn’t grown as tall as I ‘needed’ to be. So, gradually, I began to feel bad about how I looked and that really affected my self esteem and I began to give up on myself, but, that didn’t change my admiration for a lot of other beautiful people around me.
There happened to be a friend of mine I really admire and respect a lot, she is a lady of great faith and during one of our talks one day, she revealed to me that her major secret of overcoming the acne she used to have was a verse of the bible ‘Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty…’ Psalm 50:2 and immediately that word struck me. I found myself holding on to those words and I decided to pick the acronym O.O.Z. from it, meaning Out Of Zion.
Since there are a lot that comprise the totality of the beauty of a person, by the inspiration of God, JhummieOOZ will be centered on articles that have to do with being beautiful. As time goes on, as we begin to delve fully into the ministry of helping a lot of us find our true beauty in God (i.e who we are and who we are called to be in Christ) we will focus on all that can make us be prepared in God’s beauty. So, stay connected and anticipate the words that will transform you from the inside-out
JhummieOOZ says, stay beautiful in GOD!!!
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