
Showing posts from April 3, 2016


             It all started with my desire to be beautiful at a very young age, my desire to be a model, a beauty queen. I worked daily on myself by taking very good care of my hair, skin, nails, face… making good use of all the natural stuff I could get around (Aloe Vera was one plant that I could really access).    I began to do a follow up on a lot of beautiful people and looked up to them as role models while working on being one myself.       However, as time went on, I began to realize that I hadn’t grown as tall as I ‘needed’ to be. So, gradually, I began to feel bad about how I looked and that really affected my self esteem   and I began to give up on myself, but, that didn’t change my admiration for a lot of other beautiful people around me.        There happened to be a friend of mine I really admire and respect a lot, she is a lady of great faith and during one of our talks one day, she revealed to me that her major secret of overcoming the acne she used t