
Showing posts from June 11, 2016
BEAUTY FOR ASHES - 1      There has been a lot of talks, quotes, seminars, admonishments on self love, self confidence, embracing of skin colour, shape, size, and personality. Yet, some people still cannot relate to all of these. Now, this could be because of a lot of events such as bad past experiences, sexual abuse, habits, skin faults, lack of love from people that matter to them, scars, physical deformity, or just lack of contentment.           It seems easy for someone to teach or preach all the self love, acceptance and high self esteem thing and yet another still can't relate to them, I know because I have been there.           Of course I knew the importance of having a high self  esteem and all but I couldn't practice all that I heard and had been taught about it, because for some time in my life, I didn't like myself, I felt that I was just one unhealthy looking, thin and very smallish girl and the only part of me I felt was good was my face. I was alwa